Step one: Create project
On the RMP side navigation, click Local projects.
Click Create project in the top right of the screen to open a pop-up window.
Using the Type of project dropdown menu, select Individual Treatment Comparison.
Type a project Description.
Include the location and intent of your project.
(Optional) Type any additional details or relevant notes about your project in the Notes field.
You can edit your notes later.
Click Next to review your project details and code.
RMP automatically generates a unique Project code.
(Optional) To edit any of the project’s details, click Back.
When you are satisfied with the details of your project, click Create project.
When you create a project, you are the project owner.
Step two: Complete required setup steps
Upload Treatment Areas
Upload your Treatment Area shapefiles in a single .zip file.
Treatment Area shapefiles must have a Burn_Date field of the 31st December this year in format YYYYMMDD. For example: 20241231.
Type a Description for each file.
Click Upload files.
Review your number of Treatment Areas.
Individual Treatment Comparison project runs queue and start runs for the following scenario runs as soon as you confirm the upload of your Treatment Areas.
Risk without Treatments
Risk with Treatments
Ensure you have all your Treatment Areas shapefiles. You cannot remove Treatment Areas or stop the runs once queued.
When you are ready to start the project, click Add Areas and queue runs.
The RMP generates a new Treatment Comparison Results file once a batch of Treatment Area runs complete.