Features in this release
Statewide projects
Create Statewide projects to run scenarios that assess bushfire risk across the state. There are two types of Statewide projects:
Max fuels—these help you understand the worst-case scenario risk.
Snapshots—these help you understand the current Risk.
Bush Fire Weather Regions
An admin user can upload Bush Fire Weather Regions. These polygons divide the state into sections to represent weather across an area for risk modelling. They may not align with existing NSW weather boundaries. Each Weather Region has its own Fire Danger Rating (FDR) values and weather streams.
Weather charts of individual weather streams
View the following weather charts of individual weather streams to ensure the data is accurate before you start a run:
Temperature (°C)
Relative humidity (%)
Wind speed
Forest Fire Danger Index
Wind direction (km/h)
Tagged input changes
Get visibility over when inputs deviate from the default inputs with the following tags:
Override—the input or configuration was overridden on this run.
Inherited—the input or configuration was overridden on a previous run and inherited on this run.
Update available—the default input or configuration has changed since you created your project.
Experimental inputs
Indicate when an input is experimental by clicking a checkbox so other users can see it—an experimental input is not considered validated data.
Side-by-side run output comparisons
The Compare tab on the top navigation bar allows you to compare the outputs of two runs within the same scenario or the same project side-by-side, helping you better understand the effects of different treatments.
Change in Risk product
When you Accept a run in a BFRMP project, the RMP automatically generates the Change in Risk. This product compares the aggregated outputs of the latest Accepted run with the previous scenarios Accepted run. You can also generate an on-demand Change in Risk between two runs in the same scenario via the Compare tab. Change in Risk products include the following aggregated outputs:
Residential Risk
Residential Risk per grid
Residential Risk embers only
Residential and SFPP Risk
Economic Risk
You can find the Change in Risk output in both run’s outputs in Downloads or in the Change in Risk map drawer.
Statistics from Areas of Interest
Upload a polygon for an area you are interested in and generate statistics to understand numerical values in that area. Statistics are generated for the following aggregated layers and available in Downloads:
Combined Residential and SFPP Risk
Combined Economic Risk
House Loss Risk
House Loss Risk Per Grid
House Loss Embers Only Risk
Shareable link for geospatial outputs
Save a specific map view of layers and share it with project collaborators or viewers via a URL.
Residential Risk from Source output
When your Fire Behaviour and Impact Analysis runs complete, the RMP will automatically create the Residential Risk From Source output for you to view on the map so that you can quickly identify which ignition points are causing the most damage to assets.
Notifications on default settings and project changes
Get instant, daily and weekly email notifications when another user changes a default setting or something changes on your project, such as a user overriding a setting or a run failing or completing. Customise when and how often you receive notifications in Settings.
Project owners, collaborators and viewers of projects
As an admin user, manage who owns, collaborates, and views each project.
Granular management of asset data
Upload and override economic and residential assets as separate entities for more granular control and view the version history of an individual asset.
Granular control of Impact Analysis configurations
Modify the following settings:
Classifications (Times Burnt Raster values, Economic Risk Raster values and Residential Risk Raster values)
Vulnerability and Cost & Recovery values (BayesNet)
BFRMP project FDR values (now required when you create your BFRMP project).
Note that only admin users can modify these configurations at the default level.
Automatic setup of Phoenix for Future Risk with Treatment (FT) runs
When you accept a Future Risk (FR) run in a BFRMP project, the RMP automatically creates a Future Risk with Treatment (FT) scenario and requires you to replace and upload the required files, including the Fuel Management Register (FMR), to save you time.
Input validation
Before you start a run, the RMP will validate that all required inputs are present.
Spatial view enhancements
We have made the following enhancements to geospatial outputs, enabling you to:
View raw Phoenix data ignition points (impact from Source and fire size)
Click on a cell in the Economic Risk (180m) layer of an Impact Analysis run and see a breakdown of what contributes to the risk—ranked with the highest value first.
Additional resolutions for gridded cell data
View asset geospatial outputs in both 180m2 and 540m2 resolution.