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Definitions of key terms used in the RMP.

Updated over a week ago

Accepted run

An Accepted run indicates to other users that the run is an accurate representation of the scenario.


Activities can help you understand the current stage of a scenario, including if a run is in progress or complete. They are small steps within the larger modelling project process.

Activity log

The Activity log is a downloadable CSV file of events in a project (user and system generated).

Area of Interest

An Area of Interest is a bespoke polygon to help you understand its numerical values better.

Asset of Interest

An Asset of Interest is an input to locate and define the physical area of an asset, for example, a school, camping area, or festival ground.

BFMC Information Portal (BIP)

The BIP is a web application for risk modelling products, such as mapping layers, for Bush Fire Management Committees (BFMCs) to use to create their Bush Fire Risk Management Plans (BFRMP).

Bush Fire Management Committee (BFMC)

A BFMC is a forum where a group of stakeholder organisations, including landholders, land managers, fire authorities and community organisations, coordinate the bush fire management of their local area. BFMCs are responsible for preparing, coordinating, reviewing and monitoring the Bush Fire Risk Management Plan (BFRMP) for their area. There are 56 BFMCs in NSW.

Bush Fire Risk Management Plan (BFRMP)

A BFRMP is a legislative document detailing a five-year plan of land treatments designed to reduce the risk of bush fires to vulnerable assets.

Bush Fire Weather Regions

Bush Fire Weather Regions are polygons that divide the state into sections to represent weather across an area for risk modelling. They may not align with existing NSW weather boundaries. Each Weather Region has its own Fire Danger Rating (FDR) values and Weather Streams.

BFMC code

All BFMCs have unique two-letter codes to distinguish them. For example, Coffs Coast’s code is CT.

BFMC cluster

A BFMC cluster is a temporary grouping of one or more BFMC, grouped for risk modelling purposes only. When a cluster has more than one BFMC, they must work to produce their BFRMPs synchronously. For example, Wollondilly-Wingecarribee" and "Illawarra" make a cluster called "WWIL".

Change in Risk

Change in Risk is a Risk product that compares the following aggregated outputs of two runs:

  • Residential Risk

  • Residential Risk per grid

  • Residential Risk embers only

  • SFPP Risk

  • Residential and SFPP Risk

  • Economic Risk

Clone (a run)

Cloning a run duplicates its inputs and configurations and creates a new run with a sequential run code. For example, if you clone CR-2A, your new run will be CR2B.

Experimental (input)

An experimental input is not considered validated data (beaker icon).

Fuel Management Register (FMR)

The Fuel Management Register (FMR) is a polygon shapefile that defines the proposed burns and mechanical activities for the BFMC.

Inherited (tag)

The Inherited tag shows that a user overrode an input or configuration on a previous run, and it was inherited in a new run.


Inputs are the files in your modelling run. You can upload and edit inputs at the state level (RMP Settings > Inputs) and at the run level (Open run > Inputs). The state-level inputs are your project defaults.

Max fuels Loads projects

Max Fuel Loads is a Statewide project that help you understand the worst-case scenario risk.


NetCDF is a weather data type which incorporates changes in time and space, instead of static weather behaviour. It covers the entire state of NSW.

Override (tag)

The Override tag shows that a user overrode an input or configuration on the run.

Point data

Point data is a weather data type that predicts the weather for specific geographic location (point).

Project notes

Project notes are free-form text fields where you can add details or relevant notes about your projects so that other users understand what the project is about. Each project has a project notes.


Rasters display one fire behaviour output on a spatial grid, such as an image (in.tif format).

Raw outputs

Raw outputs are the raw data that comes out of an individual Phoenix run, such as shapefiles and rasters.

Risk products

Risk products are the final outputs of modelling project scenario runs. A product could be an output of a single scenario (e.g the Current No Treatment Product), or the product could be a combination of outputs from one or more scenario runs. Products could include maps, graphs or a document explaining that risk. These products are incorporated into reports such as BFRMP.

Run code

Scenario runs have code that identifies them. For Fire Behaviour runs, the code is a sequential number. For Impact Analysis runs, the code is a sequential letter.

Run descriptions

Run descriptions are free-form text fields where you can add a description for a run, for example, what inputs or configurations you changed. Run descriptions have a character limit of 60. You can only add or edit a run description when a run is set up or fails.

RMP Sandbox

The RMP Sandbox is a standalone environment from the RMP (production environment) that allows you to experiment with modelling projects and explore hypothetical scenarios without impacting RMP data. The RMP production pushes data to the RMP Sandbox. No data is pushed from RMP Sandbox to RMP.

Scenario date

The date of your scenario is modelled at, for example, in a BFRMP modelling project, the Current Risk scenario date is 1 January of the following year.

Scenario run

A (modelling) scenario run is how you test your modelling scenario. It consists of a Fire Behaviour run and a Risk Analysis run. It predicts the spread of fire across the landscape at a point in time and assesses the risk to assets.


Shapefiles record fire behaviour outputs in a spatial grid (e.g. fire intensity, flame height, ember density) or isochrones (a line drawn on a map connecting points at which something occurs at the same time) of fire impact time (in .shp format). A shapefile contains 5+ other files, including a .dbf, which includes all the information as a table.

Snapshot projects

Snapshot is a Statewide project to help you understand the current risk.

Statewide modelling projects

Statewide to run scenarios to assess bushfire risk across the state.

Update available (tag)

The Update available tag shows that the default input or configuration has been updated since the project was created.

Weather day

A weather day is a common known day with specific weather attributes.

Weather package

A weather package is a collection of weather days assigned to a scenario run to generate a fire spread model for each included weather day.

Weather Stream

A Weather Stream is a set of data used to feed into Phoenix to simulate weather conditions (for example, wind, temperature.)

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