From your project, click on a scenario’s expand arrow to see its runs.
Find the Impact Analysis run you want to view, and click Open run.
You will see the outputs from its parent Fire Behaviour run within the list of Impact Analysis run outputs (a summary of the Phoenix prediction)
In Modelled Impact Time projects, you will find numerical outputs within a Fire Behaviour run.
On the run side navigation, click Numerical outputs.
You can query these outputs using the Athena console query editor:
Go to the RFS Okta dashboard and log in using your Okta credentials.
On the dashboard, click AWS IAM Identity Center to see a list of AWS accounts (such as CassandraPROD).
On the AWS account you want to access, click the dropdown menu and click on the management console access link (for example, CassandraProdS3Access).
You can now click on the links on Numerical outputs in the RMP or from AWS search for Athena and click Launch query editor.
In the top right corner of the editor, change the Workgroup from Primary to rmp using the dropdown.
Under Data, use the Database dropdown to find a list of run outputs.
To query an output, click Run.