Calculating assets with a point based location
Points which are at the same location are deduplicated and considered to be a single point. The precision used to determine whether points are in the same location is within 7 decimal places to the same X and Y coordinates (meters).
Impact Analysis | Description | Download file type | Geospatial file type | Project types | Location in RMP |
Classified risk products |
Economic Risk product |
| Raster | Vector Tiles | All projects |
Residential Grid Risk |
| Raster | Vector Tiles | All projects |
Residential and SFPP Risk product |
| Raster | Vector Tiles | All projects |
Times Burnt Average | Classified | Raster | Vector Tiles | All projects |
Residential and SFPP Risk | Includes residential loss and per grid risk | Raster | Vector Tiles | All projects |
Environmental Risk product |
sensitive | Raster | Vector Tiles | BFRMP |
Aboriginal Heritage Risk product |
sensitive | Raster | Vector Tiles | BFRMP |
Aboriginal Heritage Risk product |
sensitive | Raster | Vector Tiles | BFRMP |
Impact from source | The ignition points predicted cause the most residential risk
| Points | Geojson | All projects |
Note: The Impact from source layer is restricted to RBAC Admin and Predictive Services users. |
Other risk products |
Change in Risk | Compares the aggregated outputs of two runs β can be generated automatically (BFRMP projects only) and on demand, depending on project type. | Tiff file | Geojson | On demand:
Areas of Interest statistics | Bespoke polygon you upload to understand its numerical values better |
| Geojson | All projects except MOI |
Asset of Interest statistics | Polygon of the impacted asset, for example, a school, camping area, or festival ground. |
| Geojson | MOI |
Impact time |
| MOI |
Assets (Impact Analysis inputs) |
Economic (assets combined)
| Location density and asset risk | Database | Vector Tiles | All projects |
Environmental β Threshold Status |
| Database | Vector Tiles | BFRMP |
Environmental (assets combined) | Location density and asset risk | Database | Vector Tiles | BFRMP |
Environmental | sensitive | Database | Vector Tiles | BFRMP |
Aboriginal Heritage (assets combined) |
| Database | Vector Tiles | BFRMP |
Aboriginal Heritage | sensitive | Database | Vector Tiles | BFRMP |
Historic Heritage (assets combined) |
| Database | Vector Tiles | BFRMP |
Historic Heritage | sensitive | Database | Vector Tiles | BFRMP |