This feature is unavailable in Snapshot, Max Fuel Loads, and Modelled Impact Time projects.
You can manually generate an on-demand Change in Risk between two runs in the same scenario via the Compare tab.
Change in Risk products are also automatically generated in some project types.
From your project, go to Compare in the top navigation bar.
Use the dropdown menu to select the two runs you want to compare.
Usually, you want the most recent run on the left. Note that you cannot generate a Change in Risk for the same two runs.
Click Generate Change in Risk.
Review your Change in Risk product details. If you are satisfied, click Generate Change in Risk.
You can find the Change in Risk in both runs' output in Downloads or from the Change in Risk map icon.
Change in Risk products include the following aggregated outputs:
Residential Risk
Residential Risk per grid
Residential Risk embers only
Residential and SFPP Risk
Economic Risk